Scenic elements created for a series of in-house training videos. Client: Mascotech (Detroit, MI)
Talk show set for a local magazine's cable show. Client: Mike Leiderman Productions/North Shore Magazine (Chicago)
In the studio at Motivation Media (Glenview, IL)
Set designed as a takeoff on the NFL Today Show for a corporate video. Client: Motivation Media/Wylers.
Sketches for Abbott Labs corporate sales meeting. Created for Caribiner in Chicago, IL.
Rendering of the chosen design for a client presentation given by Caribiner (Chicago, IL).
18" tall hourglass made for a production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves of the Black Forest." (Armada Theater Dept.)
Banjo (made from a tambourine) which turned over and became a scratch pad. Created for a production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves of the Black Forest."  (Armada Theater Dept.)
Plucked geese with removeable wind pipes created for the National Jewish Theater's production of In My Father's House. (Chicago, IL)
Civil War officer's sword made for my son.
Peddler's cart made for a production of "Oklahoma." (Armada Theater Dept.)
Hamburger, created for a production of "The Outsiders." (Armada Theater Dept.)
Top portion of the park fountain, created for a production of "The Outsiders." (Armada Theater Dept.)
Bread box and cassette case turned into an old fashioned cash register for a production of "The Most Happy Fella." (Armada Theater Dept.)
Dolphin's Hand, created for a production of "Murder In The Knife Room." (Armada Theater Dept.)
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